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Video Resources

Pedestrian Tracking
See AI track people walking

Vehicle Counter
Count and track vehicles on busy streets and highways to measure volume and traffic.

Waiting Room Management
Monitor patient and customer waiting areas to ensure safety and send alerts.

Queue Management
Measure volume and optimize checkout queues

Vehicle Collision Detection
Detect crashes as they happen and get first responders engaged quickly

Unattended Luggage Counter
Monitor luggage that has been lost, left behind, or planted to prevent suspicious activity

Capacity Counter
Measure people as they enter and leave stores to measure fire code capacity and safety

Passenger Tracking
Entry and exit tracking for transit centers

Patient Fall Detection
Alert staff to emergency situations in hospitals and health centers

Home Security and Facial Recognition
Detect faces and protect entry ways and homes

Lane Violation
Monitor traffic lanes

Crowd Detection
Tracking crowd safety

Fight Detection
Alert in case of fights in public

Bathroom Management
Status of washrooms and usage data

Gun Detection
Detect weapons
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